Chapter 26 - Depression

2018. szeptember 13., csütörtök

Chapter 26 - Depression

Eddie came home from work to die :(

Everyone is very sad, just Alice looked surprised. I don't understand either why Shingo cries... Eddie was his biggest rival who married with his only love and who has raised his child...

Well, Eddie, there is a lot of people who are sad because of you :( We will miss you!

Now everyone is so sad for 2 days, Alice's pregnancy doesn't start well.

For a little happiness, Alice adopted a cat. Say hi to our new family member: he is Bullet.

The wash tub is Ana's new favorite object in the house, she uses it a lot.

Ana gives herself a pep talk, maybe with this, she gets over her pain.

I didn't want you left with a sad ending so I put here a cute picture of Bullet.

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